Monthly Archives: July 2018

Smaller 3 3/4 Hook from Once Upon a Time
Ann wanted a smaller version of Hook so tracked down a 3 3/4 General Hux figure and converted it
Watch “The Amazing Mystery Box: Doctor Who, July 2018” on YouTube

Watch “Warlord Games Doctor Who 38mm 9th Doctor set Captain Jack Harkness” on YouTube

Holy model making Batman
Finished my Moebius Adam West Batman kit and enjoyed it greatly. A wonderful kit with amazing facial sculpt.
The Unlikely Adventures of Ron the Fox by Ian Marchant (Paperback) — Lulu GB
Treacle by Ian Marchant (Paperback) — Lulu GB

Once Upon a Time custom Hook figure
My wife wanted a Hook figure from Once Upon a Time so I purchased a cheap Star Wars General Hux figure from Home Bargains and got the Milliput out

Moebius Batman Adam West model
Can’t wait to start this great looking kit picked up today in Liverpool