Watch “Doctor Who Larger Figures Display” on YouTube 4th January 2019Figures, Merchandise, Toys, TVspikeimar
Watch “Warlord Games Doctor Who 38mm “Fourth Doctor and Companions” set – Painting Leela” on YouTube 15th December 2018Merchandise, Models and model painting, TVspikeimar
Watch “Repainting the Eaglemoss 13th Doctor Who as played by Jodie Whittaker” on YouTube 10th December 2018Figures, Merchandise, Toys, TVspikeimar
Watch “Warlord Games 38mm Doctor Who – 13th Doctor TARDIS Painting Guide” on YouTube 26th November 2018Merchandise, Models and model painting, TVspikeimar
Watch “Warlord Games 38mm Doctor Who sets “Thirteenth Doctor and TARDIS” and “Fourth Doctor and Companions”” on YouTube 24th November 2018Merchandise, Models and model painting, TVspikeimar
Watch “Florida Star Trek Captains” on YouTube 21st November 2018Figures, Merchandise, Toys, TVspikeimar
Watch “Target Mego figures – exclusive” on YouTube 21st November 2018Figures, Film, Merchandise, Toys, TVspikeimar
Watch “Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats – Painting Zoe and the rest of the Serenity crew” on YouTube 25th October 2018Board Game, Merchandise, Models and model painting, Restoration, Toys, TVspikeimar
Watch “Painting Captain Mal Reynolds from Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats” on YouTube 11th October 2018Board Game, Merchandise, Models and model painting, Toys, TVspikeimar
Watch “Scratch Building The Liberator from the BBC Television Program Blakes 7” on YouTube 7th October 2018Merchandise, Models and model painting, TVspikeimar