Watch “Xena: Warrior Princess Gaming Miniature” on YouTube 8th August 2021Models and model painting, TVspikeimar
Watch “Halcyon “Alien” Kit – Building and Painting the figure” on YouTube 30th July 2021Film, Models and model paintingspikeimar
Watch “Hasbro Kenner Star Wars The Mandalorian Retro Figure Collection” on YouTube 3rd July 2021Figures, Film, Toysspikeimar
Watch “Marvel’s Loki – Repainting a Hasbro Titan Loki figure” on YouTube 24th June 2021Figures, Film, Toysspikeimar
Watch “De-greying Mego The Black Hole Figures” on YouTube 8th June 2021Figures, Film, Merchandise, Restorationspikeimar
Watch “Restoring a Mego Buck Rogers using Plastidip” on YouTube 5th June 2021Figures, Film, Merchandise, Restoration, Toysspikeimar